Modern Science About Time and Space Travel--
Master Lee and Dr. Stephen Hawking's view

Writer / Li-Kang Ho
PhD, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Canada
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Department and Institute of
Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming University, R.O.C.
Chairman and Director, Department and Institute of Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming Univeristy, R.O.C.

Under the summer sky, looking at the Galaxy, star twinkles. Human being has tremendous curiosity about the unlimited universe. Every civilization had the historic marks influenced by stars or meteor. There are astrology no matter in Western or Eastern. Even in daily life, people are guided by zodiac or star fortune telling. You may think this is superstition, then why it past on so many years and so many newspapers have a column for it. Do they sound reasonable to you? Master Lee drew out the totem of the universe and explained to us that our knowledge about the universe is only at one small corner. In the real world, actually somebody just published a book and says that we are already at the end of the science. Then I realized that how small we are!

From Hubble space telescope, satellite, super computer, numerous materials from outer space were sent back and analyzed. Scientists are busy in disclosure the mystery of the universe. How did the universe start and then evolved? Will the universe be ruined or come to an end? Some scientists predicted that because of the gravitational force the whole universe will contract to a single point. Actually, in the last thirty years, astronomers are separated into to two. One says that the universe is expanding and the other says that the universe is contracting. The former thought that the universe will expand infinitely and becomes thinner and thinner. The latter thought that the force of the expansion from Big-Bang will getting weaker and weaker and there is not enough mass to hold this unlimited expansion. Because of gravity, eventually it will contract to a single point and disappeared. To human, no matter who wins will come to the end. At the moment, most scientists agree that the universe is in a state of flatness. This means that the universe will not expand nor contract unlimited. Is this dynamic equilibrium real? Will we ever reach a final steady state? In history, the earth was the center of the universe, then the sun was a fixed star and the earth was circling around. Then the solar system is only a small part of the galaxy and there are many of them in the whole universe. What people will find in the next millennium. Is space travel possible? Can human pass over speed of light and visit the past or the future? Are we capable to pass the day of the Last Judgment?

Recently, the world renowned astrophysicist Dr. Stephen Hawking, author of the book "a brief history of time" gave lectures at White house1 and Cambridge talked about science in the new millennium. Master Lee, who is the leader of Forshang Buddhism, also talked about the science and the universe at different occasions2. There were some similarities in terms of the possibility of space travel or time travel.

Dr. Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel. With recent advances, he has since changed his mind, and now believes that time travel is possible (although not necessarily practical). In quantum mechanics, one knows that a particle is at a point A at a certain time then at a later time it can be found anywhere because it can have any path or history. The possible particle histories have to include paths that travel faster than light and even paths that go back in time. To calculate the probability that it is at a point B one has to add up the probabilities for all the paths or histories that take it from A to B. This idea of a sum over all possible histories is due to physicist Richard Feynman. In 1997, Master Lee gave lectures at LA and UCLA. He pointed out the traveling speed of the universe and to be able to understand the space beyond solar system one needs the speed over light and then travels to the past is possible.

As traveling to the past, Dr. Hawking explains that even what we think of as empty space is full of particles moving in closed loops in space and time. That is they move forward in time on one side of the loop and backwards in time on the other side. These closed loops are said to be virtual particles because they can not be measured directly with a particle detector. However their effects can be measured indirectly by the method first predicted by the Turkish physicist Hendrick Casimir. So we can be confident that closed particle loops really exist. Where the infinite number of closed loops caused trouble was when people tried to combine quantum theory with Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. An infinite number of closed loops of particles would have an infinite amount of energy and would curl space and time up to a single point.

How can we solve this mathematical problem about infinity that requires some creativity. The key concept was a new kind of balance or symmetry in nature called super symmetry, which was first proposed by two Russians, Golfand and Likhtman, in 1971. The idea was on top of the ordinary dimensions of space and time with which we are familiar, there were extra dimensions that were measured in what are called Grassmann numbers. Ordinary numbers are said to be even because it does not matter in what order one multiplies them. 6 times 4 is the same as 4 times 6. But Grassmann numbers are odd in the sense that x times y, is minus y times x.

Up to now, The super symmetry is still the most fundamental to unify Einstein's General Relativity with Quantum Theory. This super symmetry would be confirmed by the discovery of super partners to the particles that we already know. The super partner species will also have closed loops of particles. But the energy of the super partner loops will have the opposite sign to those of the original species. Thus the infinite energies tend to cancel out. Dr. Hawking expected that the super symmetry will be confirmed eventually by experiments at CERN in Geneva and it might be within twenty years starting now. The ultimate Theory of Everything-the Holy Grail of physics can be reached eventually.

In July 4 and 5 1998, Master Lee described black hole, Big-Bang, and thirty-three heavens and predicted that the real dark matter will be identified at the year of 2007. What is the dark matter or black matter? At the year of 2020 it will be confirmed by scientist as he predicted. This hypothesis just likes what Dr. Hawking described in his lectures. All these would be explained in details in the following article: principle of universe. Dr. Hawking also pointed out the importance that to be able to solve the problem of black hole, singularity, and Big-Bang; one must start from basic particle. How can we understand and unite the self and the universe? Forshang doctrine teaches one start from self cultivation and then master inner changes. Are they something similar in pursuing the ultimate goal?

In Dr. Hawking's lecture he discussed the revolution of human race will speed up by redesign of DNA and genetic engineering. Improved human might appear in the next millennium no matter you like it or not. In other way the human race also needs to improve its mental and physical qualities if it is to deal with the increasing complex world around it and meet new challenges like space travel. It also needs to increase its complexity if biological systems are to keep ahead of electronic ones. At the moment computers show no sign of intelligence. However it will be improved until computers have a similar complexity to the human brain. If they are intelligent they can presumably design computers that have even greater complexity and intelligence. Master Lee said that in 21st century there will be two major fields of researches one is genetic medicine and the other is science of human body and life. Forshang Buddhism is going to lead human into a new frontier, a new civilization full of Buddha nature. Last year, Master Lee mentioned several times at different occasions about computers, too. Computers also have Buddha nature and form of life. Soon they are going to improving themselves not only by their increasing complexity but also through web connecting, then will be able to control a lot of things.

We will certainly face the new world and new human being in the next millennium. Are we ready for them?


1. Stephen Hawking, "Science in the Next Millennium". This article can be found at
2. Principle of the Universe

Recite the above Nine Word Zen Prayer
to unite with the universal energy.